Shanshan Pythoner Love CPP

Data Mining Proprocessing in Python

Data mining is a complex process that aims to discover patterns in large data sets. Data Mining some main steps:

  1. Collect data: based on the needs

  2. Pre-Processing: try to understand the data, denoise and do some dimentation reduction and select the proper predictors, etc

  3. Feeding data mining

  4. Post-Processing: interpret and evaluate the models

Loading datasets in Python

import pandas as pd
csv_path = 'python_code/data/Heart.csv'
rawdata = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
excel_path = 'python_code/data/energy_efficiency.xlsx'
raw_data2 = pd.read_excel(excel_path)

Understand data with statistics

print "data summary"
print rawdata.describe()

Then you will get

	                 id        year       stint           g          ab 	
	count    100.000000   100.00000  100.000000  100.000000  100.000000   	
	mean   89352.660000  2006.92000    1.130000   52.380000  136.540000   	
	std      218.910859     0.27266    0.337998   48.031299  181.936853   
	min    88641.000000  2006.00000    1.000000    1.000000    0.000000   	
	25%    89353.500000  2007.00000    1.000000    9.500000    2.000000   	
	50%    89399.000000  2007.00000    1.000000   33.000000   40.500000   	
	75%    89465.250000  2007.00000    1.000000   83.250000  243.750000   	
	max    89534.000000  2007.00000    2.000000  155.000000  586.000000   

Get the size of the data

nrow, ncol = rawdata.shape
print nrow, ncol

Check the data format

print rawdata.dtypes

Then you will get

	id          int64	
	player     object	
	year        int64
	stint       int64
	team       object	
	lg         object	
	g           int64	
	ab          int64

Get correlation matrix and covariance matrix

# correlation matrix
print "\n correlation Matrix"
print rawdata.corr()
# covariance Matrix
print "\n covariance Matrix"
print rawdata.corr()

Understand data with visualization

from scipy import stats
import seaborn as sns

# plot a distribution of observations
attr = rawdata['h']
sns.distplot(attr, kde=False, fit=stats.gamma)

# two subplots, histogram
plt.title("Histogram of stint")
plt.subplot(211) # 2 rows, 1 col
plt.subplot(212) # 2 rows, 1 col
sns.distplot(attr, kde=False, fit=stats.gamma)

