Shanshan Pythoner Love CPP

Algorithm array and string

String and Array


// define array in the stack
int array[arraySize];
// define array in the heap
int *array = new int[arraySize];
// free the memory after using it
delete[] array;

Array can be accessed by index, so modify and read an element, O(1). Delete and Insert elements needs to move the later elements, O(N).


Some string functions used frequently

string str ("This is a string");
int length = str.length();    // length equals to 16
str.erase(0,10);    // str becomes "string", with length 6 after erasure
string subStr = str.substr(10,6);    // subStr equals to "string", with length 6

String Matching Algorithms

Brute-Force算法: 顺序遍历母串,将每个字符作为匹配的起始字符,判断是否匹配子串。时间复杂度 O(mn)。


